Attention!! Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority is currently accepting applications for membership. If you are interest, please feel free to fill out an application!! Deadline set for November 18th 2016 @ 11:59pm
The Ladies of Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority, Inc. The Ladies of Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority, Inc. The Ladies of Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority, Inc. The Ladies of Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority, Inc.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Honorable Weekend & Special Thanks

This weekend was full or surprises and honors as Iota Sigma Rho was put in the limelight thanks you another amazing organization and a fellow supporter of our organization and our "Sights of Reality: Working Class & Child Poverty" initiative. It's always nice to know people see the good that we try to do in both worlds, but its absolutely amazing to be honored and recognized for our service.

Wondering what we're talking about? Well, this weekend ...
Iota Sigma Rho's very own founder- Saivee Rho-Amore- was selected to be Gamma Sigma Mu SL Sorority's Greek of the Week!!

Gamma Sigma Mu SL Sorority:
"Being self-less, generous, and supportive are attributes that hardly begin to describe the grace that resides within this remarkable woman's heart.

"She's been pushing more collaborative philanthropy and they only do RL philanthropy. My org has had the pleasure of collaborating with them several times and it's always amazing."
- Anonymous

We are honored to announce that our Second 'Greek of the Week' is no other than Saivee Rho-Amor!!"
Also, Mrs. Rho-Amor had an amazing opportunity to work with Ms. Suga (also known as sugaliciousme) on her blog talk radio station to document our efforts in our working class & child poverty movement.

And that's just a few of the outpour of support and love Iota has received this weekend alone. Thank you every one who has supported us in the past and will continue to do so in the future!

Here's a message from Saivee:

"I am overwhelmed with the support and love being shown to myself and Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority this weekend! Thank you Gamma Sigma Mu Sorority again for making me Greek of the Week. I am so honored! But, most importantly, thank you Samaz Sandra Horice-Eposito for having me on your show and documenting our Working Class Poverty efforts. In case you missed it;…/saivee-iota-sigma-rho-founde… We had a raw, unfiltered conversation about this epidemic that is plaguing our country and our World. People who cannot even imaging the glass ceiling because they can't even imagine a life outside of their neighborhood. This conversation is about the disadvantaged, the struggles of getting people in SECONDLIFE to see what we can and should do about it and about our journey trying to normalize the needs of food pantries, free/reduced lunches and clothes banks for working class people. We will be back next week, as Suga speaks with my other sorrows about our project trying to pull together a $50/week grocery list, that includes ALL THREE
essential meals and some of the push back we've been getting from the Top 10 major cities in the U.S & U.K."

Thank you everyone from the lave ladies of Iota Sigma Rho SL Sorority!
iiiiiiii-OoOooOoOoooo- ta!